Sunday, August 16, 2009


Along with movie trailers and music album trailers, we now have book trailers. Take a look.

Just today I finally picked up a copy of
Pride and Predjudice and Zombies (by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith) that I'd asked for months ago at the library. I was already laughing in the car reading the table of contents. The blurb on the back cover announces this book as "Pride and Prejudice, a masterpiece of world literature, transformed into something you'd actually want to read." I wholeheartedly agree. I will be putting my current read, Atlas Shrugged (by Ayn Rand) on hold until further notice. Speaking of books, I picked up my text book shopping list today and I really hope that renting text books will save me several hundred dollars...
In other entertainment news, a new Miyazaki movie called Ponyo hit theaters 3 days ago. I know all the avid anime fans knew about this long ago and apparently it's been out for a while in Japanese, but was only recently dubbed and ready for the States... or something like that. Anyway, I have enjoyed the other movies I've seen of his so far and am looking forward to seeing it with Jonas, in Japanese. :j (Even though Cate Blanchette voices someone in the English version. Love. Annnnd someone named Frankie Jonas!) See the trailer here.

It has been my personal secret suspicion that I had an advanced vocabulary until the 7th grade at which point my peers suddenly started learning many more words than I did. I figure that if I am to be any sort of successful writer some day, I should brush up on my vocab skills and therefore, I am starting a new... thing. I just signed up for a word-a-day newsletter from I will attempt to define and use one new word per week here in this blog. I know that one a week is not very ambitious, but it takes 11 days to develop a habit, so I've heard, and I have a feeling I will not remember any of these new words if I don't give myself several days to work on one. "
Diastrophism," pronounced dy-AS-truh-fiz-uhm, is a noun meaning: the process of deformation of the earth's crust that produces continents, mountains, ocean basins, etc. I have not yet figured out how to use this in every day life.
Tomorrow I am *probably* going camping with my brothers Brad and John, and Jonas and Aaron B. at Pismo beach. Probably very cold and windy in the evening, but also fun. ^^ School starts a week from today!
I went through Anthroplogie's website a few nights ago which I do from time to time and made a living room inspiration board from my favorite pieces. Check it out.

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