Thursday, August 13, 2009


Loads of stuff to share today! :D Day 2 of not being bored without a job. Lovin' it.
Oh, I am sick with want. I think I have to have these. :S If you click on the "complete palette" tab, you can select a section of colors and it will tell you what each color is named! I can't stand it it's so decadent in every way! It costs about $260 to get the whole Aroura set - I hope it's still around when I get married because I will TOTALLY ask for it. Yata! (Thanks TrendLand for awakening yet another insatiable desire in me -.- ). ;)

Speaking of being married, two more lovely things. First, my dad's assitant at work, Malorie, got married 2 weekends ago and the wedding photos are breathtaking. I think a good photographer is definitely worth sinking money into. A Blake did an excellent job.

Secondly, small pleasures from Pier 1. Each dish is only $2! I bought these as a wedding gift for Sky and Gina Tucker (my boyfriend's brother and his new lady). I was very proud of myself for finding these. They have so much potential too... dessert or sauce plates, soap dishes, jewelry holders, where-should-I-put-all-these-safety pins-and-paper clips-holder; the possibilities are endless. Pier 1 also has some really fun (and pretty cheap!) place mats and dining chair cushions that you should check out if you happen to be near a store any time soon.

Another gem from the blogging world - last night's dinner, thanks to Sunday Suppers. By the time my mom and I were done making it, it was pretty much a different recipe, but it was still yummy! I'm eatting leftovers now and the garlic is quite strong, as is the Parmesan and bacon, so go easy on those if you try it yourself. We substituted wine with chicken brother (I know, I know, totally changes it, but I really can't stand the flavor of any alcohol), fresh garlic (couldn't find any) with regular garlic (half the amount called for) and onion chives and asparagus (not in season) with zucchini (which the instructions actually seem to call for). We also used regular spagetti noodles (very good with that salt water tip, if I may say so myself). For dessert, left over German Chocolate cake. It's not as good as the last time I made it (Annelise makes the topping). I think it's best if you bake it about 5 minutes fewer than it calls for because it's so nice and moist that way.

Look! My brothers painted our house yellow. :D The door still needs to be painted white, but it looks pretty different to us already because it was grey before.

Also from around the house - eggplant in Julia's garden, and new blooms on my orchid! Not the best of shots, but I'm sure there will be ore when the other two shoots (from the same stem!!) bloom. My mom accidentally trimmed it too much last year so it hasn't bloomed since my birthday last year. I'm so happy it's still alive and I hope that my Valentine's tulip blooms again too when I take it out of the fridge and replant it on the 28th. ^^

In our back yard, there are 5 dragonflies that have been hanging out on the jump rope for several days now. Reminds me of this priceless (haha, sorry, sorry...) oragami moth that Kelee (I think!) folded for me for graduation/18. Cool, huh? I love oragami.

Yesterday, I got Jonas to play Mancala with me again (the first time we played I got all but one pebble... hehehe), which was probably a bad idea because by round 2 he'd caught on to my strategy and by round 4 came out one pebble ahead. There goes the only game I can (I mean
could) beat him at. ^___^ Ok, I'm off to Santa Barbara to go shopping with my sister and spend all the money I just made. Heh! :P) (haha, I just made that face up - it's "tongue in cheek"... get it?)
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