Sunday, September 5, 2010

Signs of Life

Well, it must be that time of year again. School = no blogging. But actually, I've been bad and unfaithful to blogger and started a tumblr since I have more pictures than time to blog them.  Please do check it out! There are also now links to it in the "about me" section to the right and a feed of the photos I post. I do hope to keep this blog going despite tumblr's temptations, even if it's at a mere snail's pace sometimes. // Many momentous things have passed since I last journaled here! // I turned 19. Happy Birthday me! Part of my present from my parents includes a trip to the Monteray Bay aquarium at the end of this month, so more birthday to come. Yippeeee! My mum made Viatnamese spring rolls and eclaires. Wonderbar. // I started year 3 (!!!) of college. Thus far, my cooking teacher (chef - still getting used to calling someone "chef") is the most interesting. He runs the class like a TV show. My biology teacher is bearable and I like looking through the microscopes. I also have a nice lab partner named Jimmy. My interior design class is long and I wish it were more... flamboyant... but either way, it will be nice to say that I completed it. Art appreciation (online) with Mr. Hood promises some fun field trips. ^^ // I had to say goodbye to my old friend and first car, the Probe, and now have a Prizm. Which I don't much care for, but thanks muchly to my parents for buying a car for all us chillins to drive about. :) While at the junk lot in the final moments of the Probe, I saw my ultimate car, a 1966 low rider bus. Pics on FB to be sure. // Many artsy projects underway. More news on those as they progress... later. // That's all for now - till next time, hopefully not a month from now ^///^. // P.S. Update - I made a cake for a church picnic and half of it got eaten. I am growing up. 

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