Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Best of January

If you read this blog at all regularly, you know I have a knack for being long-winded (and over-using parenthesis and hyphens and ampersands in an attempt to get more ideas in while fooling myself that I'm not actually writing more). I'm impressed and flattered that anyone would actually read through a full post. So first, thank you, and second, I'm considering trying to break long posts/subjects into parts. At least when it comes to "my year in review." I love looking back on all the things I appreciated during a year, but this year, I'm going to try to write a review post for each month! I present to you, January in review.

Best book: Operating Instructions: A Journal of my son's first year by Anne Lamott. Given to me (well, we're going to share it) by my bff and signed by the author, this is the first Lamott book I've ever read and I am head over heels. She is hilarious, heart-wrending, and has her finger on the pulse of real life. A must for new moms.

Best movie: Django Unchained - I know, how obscure of me. But really, I enjoyed the story (especially the married-love driven plot), the music, the humor, the cinematography, etc. I'm ever more a Tarantino fan.

Best music: I started using Soundcloud this month (though not very seriously, yet) because there's some good stuff that just isn't on Spotify or iTunes. My playlist includes stuff by London Grammar, SOHN, and Ryhe - "fresh" tunes, as they say. As I mentioned, I've been digging the Django Unchained soundtrack, and also Hugo (both the British-Thai phenomenon and the random French rap that I discovered in searching for him). Jonas and I have both been singing "Feed Me Diamonds" by MNDR, and "Climax" by Usher. Sometimes it's hard to tell what music is really gonna stick with me until I can look back on the whole year, but here's one song I'll leave with you for January (from the new album by Everything Everything, which also isn't available on Spotify yet).

Best recipes: This guava-lemon mousse is indeed extra good after 24 hours, like the recipe says, and this french silk tart (code for oreos and whipped cream) wasn't half bad either. I also ate at Brendan's Irish Pub in Camarillo for my father-in-law's birthday, and it was the best restaurant food I've had in a while.

Best new web destination: Pinterest, You Are Drunk. Just go there.

Favorite things: Washing my hands in warm water with my B&BW Passion fruit foam soap, folding mini-cranes out of beautiful washi paper, winter citrus, my orchids blooming, Downtown Abbey season 3, wearing my fancy winter coats (if I needed a new one, this would be it!), and organizing our books & magazines. And here's one of my favorite pins of the month - it stopped me in my tracks (pictured below).

Ishmael's 3rd Month: He loves to stare at the ceiling fan (free babysitting!), is sucking on his lips, his index fingers and his whole fists, and he is on the verge of laughing (he's a big smiler). He's a total morning person and gets grumpier as the day goes on, but always loves to be around people, especially watching people on the move at basketball games, parties or busy restaurants. He takes naps best with his crib darkened, like a bird in a cage. When I put him on his tummy, he looks so helpless and it kind of breaks my heart. He makes a lot of noises (especially when he's upset) that sound like "ma-ma". He's got my heart twisted up in his little fingers, and speaking of which, he's just starting to learn to grab things intentionally. Game on.

January events:
  • Babies born, named Blythe Matilda & Gracelynn Emilia.
  • Jonas & I celebrated our 1 year anniversary, which is also our 4-year mark of dating! We kept it on the down-low because of some bigger expenses we're anticipating this year, but we enjoyed a lovely day, including breakfast at Kay's (where we had our first date) and dinner at Novo and took the opportunity to wear my green "going-away" dress from our wedding. Jonas bought me wishing lanterns (because it was our paper anniversary), but we have yet to send them off, fearing Santa Barbara county's fire department. 

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