Friday, February 20, 2009

I'd love to write the Index for Vogue Magazine some day. Here's a practice run (fear not, I pretty much just want to say this stuff is cool, I don't really think it fits together that well ^^) OBJECTS OF DESIRE: 1. Flannel outer shirt (UrbanOutfitters) 2. Ipod Lego speakers ( 3. Beads! I promised I'd tell why I'm obsessed with beads (perfectly good selections at Michael's or Beverly's). I've wanted to get dreads for a while now, but I'm still looking around for an option that's cheap enough and clean enough.  But some day, I'm gonna turn up with my hair dreaded and then I'm going to play with it.  I'd like to string jade and coral and turquoise beads, mostly, all up in it. Wood and hemp too. So that's the bead story. It's gonna be awesome. 4. Kenzo's Flower Red perfume (Sephora). To be honest, it wasn't my favorite in the shop, but it stuck on my clothes for a few days and then it smelled wonderful.
I've been a Lookbook member for a while, but so far haven't been asked to start an award-winning clothing line. ;) Some awesome shots/looks to be seen there, and I really enjoy the international component of things. A guy I met offered to teach me Swedish. Awesome? [Y/N] Von (Berlin), Annette (Vienna) and Ben (Freiburg), here.

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