Thursday, October 29, 2015

Look With Your Eyes: Bjorn Wiinblad

Do you ever see something on the internet that sends you into a time-sucking (if glorious) rabbit hole of obsessed fascination? Well, I do. I love feeling that rush of discovery. Of course, this latest thing I stumbled upon came before my eyes at about 11pm (a bit past my bedtime) and I stayed up way later scouring Ebay to see if I could conceivably acquire any pieces by this artist.

Many of you may know the artist Gustav Klimt who painted "the Kiss". I am QUITE fond of all things Klimt and could write several posts about the ways in which he's influenced my aesthetic and lesser known inspiring parts of his world, but today, I'll only use him in reference to Bjorn Wiinblad. I'd never heard of Wiinblad before nor seen his work, but he seems to have been prolific (hooray!) and I couldn't help but think of him as a mod version of Klimt. Can you see the similarities? Wiinblad is more playful than serene, but they both convey so much with rainbow-hued geometrics.

Of course, I'm drawn to Wiinblad's blue and white ceramics too, since I collect [mostly Asian] blue and white ceramics. Really, his work touches on so many points near and dear to me - the Arabian nights, silhouette/block cuts, gold, mid-century, romantic scenes. It seems that many of his pieces were artwork for theater posters. Happily, I think I probably can and will eventually have some of his work as part of my personal collection. His work seems obscure enough that there aren't a bunch of high quality photos available, but here are some of my favorites that I saw.

Do you like it? What have you recently found that inspired and excited you? 

1 comment:

  1. Did you ever check out this insta? I think you will like it. Go to his/her page. All the posts fit together in a collage.


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