Prompt: Describe Heaven.
Heaven is like New Orleans on acid. I've never been to NOLA or done acid, but by it's very nature, Heaven must be something you imagine but haven't experienced. Heaven is suffocated by magnolia blossom trees and tropical fruit. Heaven is a place where we all work, some of us as street sweepers, but we all take immense joy in our work. In Heaven we have every toy for our collection, and the high never wears off. In Heaven we're constantly giddy about our lovers, while enjoying that warmth of a lifetime of the mundane. We can be in love with many people at once without it being a conflict or a dishonor. Heaven is a commune housed in candy-colored painted lady homes, where everyone eats Turkish food with their fingers and no one ever gets drunk. You never get too old to stop enjoying your birthday. Heaven is constant synesthesia, but never overwhelming. Heaven is a library that never closes. In Heaven, all the water is warm and clear and you can breath beneath the surface and float without effort. God Almighty is an incredibly baker, and you never have to stand in line to sit next to It, on a velvet couch playing Cards For Humanity, Eternity expansion. Heaven is new every morning, but familiar forever. In Heaven, everything is as free as the smile of your son, and that never cheapens its quality. Everyone wears saris. Most sidewalks are paved with wallpaper in fantastical prints, and the weeds that grow along the edges are excellent in stew. In Heaven, I only cry because I want to.
It's crazy. As I was searching for a visual to put with this post, I decided that it needed to be something that moved and settled on the video above (runner ups here and here), and totally forgot that the still image I'd chosen before deciding this called for a video was this!:
It's crazy. As I was searching for a visual to put with this post, I decided that it needed to be something that moved and settled on the video above (runner ups here and here), and totally forgot that the still image I'd chosen before deciding this called for a video was this!:
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